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Business Training Grant – Applications open

RWAV is now accepting applications for the Business Training Grant for rural primary healthcare staff in MMM 2-7 locations. This grant will enable practice staff to access business training opportunities and enhance the management of primary healthcare practices to ensure long term sustainability.

This Business Training Grant is funded by RWAV as part of the Australian Government Department of Health Rural Health Workforce Support program.


  • Available to applicants that completed CPD in the 2019/20 financial year. 
  • A completed application must be submitted after completion of the CPD activity. 
  • Copies of all paid expense receipts/invoices must be provided with the application in order to receive payment.


Who Can Apply:

  • Applicants must be employed in a primary healthcare practice in MMM 2-7 locations in Victoria. See www.doctorconnect.gov.au
  • Employees of state-funded community health services are not eligible for this grant. 
  • Applicants are not eligible for funding if they have already received funding support from other RWAV grants in the current financial year. The total funding available per applicant per financial year is capped at $1,000 (including GST), and there are also funding limits for each eligible subsidy.

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