Cultural safety training is an integral part of ensuring that clinicians are providing culturally safe and appropriate care to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients. Undertaking the training will help you to develop your awareness of Aboriginal culture, identity and protocols, and support you to create cultural safety in your practise.
In order to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are receiving culturally safe care, it is now a requirement for all Outreach service providers to partake in relevant training.
Service providers will be required to submit a certificate of attendance (training to have taken place within the last three years) before outreach visits commence, or express your interest in participating in one of our cultural safety training workshops in the next financial year.
We will soon be releasing the dates and locations for the cultural safety training workshops facilitated by the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) for the next financial year.
To improve the accessibility of the training for our service providers, VACCHO will now be offering online accredited courses in addition to the traditional face to face workshops.
Keep posted for the announcement of the workshop dates, or email to learn more.