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2022 Grants Week For Healthcare Students Information Session Webinar Recording

Rural Workforce Agency Victoria (RWAV) is a not-for-profit government-funded organisation improving health care for rural, regional, and Aboriginal communities in Victoria.

We provide a range of activities and support to improve the recruitment and retention of health professionals to rural and regional Victoria, including grants.

Our grants are designed to help you achieve your career goals including relocation, professional development and postgraduate education, enabling you to support your rural community.

Grants are available for medical, nursing and allied health professionals, and practice managers and practice staff working in regional and rural Victoria and students looking to work in rural healthcare.

Find the webinar recording here. This recording covers the following items:

  • Rural Practice Training Grant
  • Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Grant
  • East Gippsland Trust Fund Grant
  • Practice Accreditation Grant (under development)
  • Cultural Safety Training
  • Creating a MyRWAV account
  • Applying for RWAV’s grants

Grants for Healthcare Students Webinar Q&A

Yes, we can support you but only for up to $800 and only for the section of your placement that falls within the grant round in which you apply

Yes, undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates and students studying with a Victorian Vocational Training provider can apply.

Applicants must provide quotes to RWAV and then funds will be issued so that the applicant is not out of pocket. Any underutilized funds that remain after the event must be paid back to RWAV.

Depending on the initiative and the event a payment plan will be negotiated between the recipient and RWAV.

Yes, students attending a school in a rural location or students who live in a rural location (even if their school is not rural or regional) are eligible. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants can be located in any region.

: The grant is available to students living in or attending a school in an MMM3-7 location or MM1-7 location for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. To check your MMM Location please head to the Dr Connect Websitehttps://www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/health-workforce-locator/health-workforce-locator. From here select Monash Modified Model 2015 and 2019 in the classification filter and then put in the address that you wish to search for. Refer to the key on the map to see what your location is classified as. 

The Rural Clinical Placement Grant – Common queries

  • Calculation of travel

If you are going to claim car travel as part of your grant please note that we can only accept one return trip from within Victoria. This trip needs to have been from the applicant’s permanent residence to the health service where the placement is taking place. It does not include back and forth travel from the health service to the applicant’s temporary accommodation while on placement. As per ATO guidelines car travel will be calculated at a rate of 0.72 cents per kilometre.

  • Accommodation

If you can access accommodation through a university or health service for your placement then you cannot claim this cost as part of your grant. If university or health service accommodation is available in the placement location, applicants must utilise this accommodation. University accommodation can be any university (including those that the student does NOT attend). Applicants accessing university or health service accommodation are not able to claim this form of accommodation as it is provided at a heavily discounted rate. If the university or health service accommodation is not available in your placement location, you will need to provide written evidence from the registered training organisation/ university/and or health service. Students can still claim travel costs.

  • Placement roster/ portal

To apply for the grant the applicant is required to provide written evidence of the clinical placement location, dates and duration. This must be an official letter from your registered training organisation or health service with your name on it. RWAV cannot accept screenshots of dates etc.

  • Payment is after completion of the placement

RWAV are only able to provide funding on a retrospective basis for the Rural Clinical Placement Grant. This means that an applicant must apply for the grant prior to the placement taking place and then funds will be released once the placement has finished. Unfortunately, RWAV cannot release funds prior to the placement taking place.  

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